Miss Elie Rae | Richmond VA Newborn Midlothian Baby Photographer
Meet Miss Elie Rae everyone! Born on January 27, 2016 at 10:47 pm weighing in at 6lbs 15oz. Little Miss Elie already knows what she wants out of life and that is to be held and swaddled tightly! She's a bit modest and wasn't much into the nudey shots, but once bundled up she was out. It is always such an honor to photograph babies during their first few days of life. They change so quickly! Miss Elie was just as sweet as could be! Welcome to the world little one, I wish you much love and happiness always!
Quote from Mom
"We were immediately drawn to her glow and big beautiful eyes. She was more more than we could ever hope or ask for. This is our fist child, we were scared and everything was unknown to us, but as soon as she was in our arms, every worry or concern left our minds. We are very thankful to be able to call this little darling our daughter and princess".