Sarah Kane Photography | Trash the Dress Bridal Portriats at Belle Isle in Richmond VA

bridal portraits | Trash the Dress | Sarah Kane Photography

This has got to be the most fun I've had on a bridal session to date. When Jessie approached me about doing bridal portraits at Belle Isle in Richmond I was all for it. When she mentioned she would be "trashing" her dress, well that took things to a whole new level and I was beyond elated!! I've always wanted to photograph a trash the dress session, but not many brides are willing to do this. Especially if their dress was muy expensivo! What makes this story even better is that when Jessie and her husband got married they weren't able to hire a professional photographer and Jessie did not have any high quality pictures from her wedding and certainly non of her in her dress. Knowing this made the experience even more special for me. 

These are the non-professional pictures from Jessie's actual wedding.  Doesn't matter who takes a picture of Jessie or with what equiptment she is always stunning, but I'll let you decide if there's a difference between professional and non-professional pictures ;)

First let me start by saying not all trash the dress sessions really have to completely "trash the dress" (although Jessie did). A bridal session after the wedding when you are not as concerned about getting a speck of dirt on your dress (that you will never wear again and will likely be preserved only to be stored away forever) is perfect for getting unique artistic pictures. Plus you get to put on your dress again! Some brides do it right way and others wait a few years. As long as you can get in your dress it's never too late :)

Belle Isle is so beautiful in the fall and Jessie looked absolutely stunning! So many of her images look like she could be on the cover of a high-fashion bridal magazine! Jessie's not your average girly girl though. She is a down-to-earth nature loving tom boy and I loved that she chose to wear her cowgirl boots with her dress!

Everything was perfect. We wandered all throughout the park and took a variety of very diverse pictures.  I was completely in the zone and could have stayed there day. At the very end of the session we made our way to the rocks along the James River where, despite the freezing cold temperatures, Jessie got right into the water with her dress on (hence the reason it was trashed). Up until that point there was not a scratch on it just a little bit of dirt. I'm so glad I got to help Jessie out and give her the pictures she never got from her wedding day. We not only created beautiful images that day, but many amazing memories!

Bridal Portraits | Trash the Dress | Sarah Kane Photography

Look at this girl! How did she even get up there? Love it!

Bridal Portraits | Trash the Dress | Sarah Kane Photography
Bridal Portraits | Trash the Dress | Sarah Kane Photography
Bridal Portraits | Trash the Dress | Sarah Kane Photography

Here are a grouping of some of my favorites! You wouldn't believe how long it took to get that one in the middle right. Oh how I wish I saved the bloopers!

Belle Isle Richmond VA |Bridal Portraits | Trash the Dress | Sarah Kane Photography

I love the light coming in on her face!

Belle Isle Richmond VA | Bridal Portraits | Trash the Dress | Sarah Kane Photography
Belle Isle Richmond VA | Bridal Portraits | Trash the Dress | Sarah Kane Photography
Belle Isle Richmond VA | Bridal Portraits | Trash the Dress | Sarah Kane Photography
Belle Isle Richmond VA | Bridal Portraits | Trash the Dress | Sarah Kane Photography
Belle Isle Richmond VA | Bridal Portraits | Trash the Dress | Sarah Kane Photography

Some more of my favorites. Look at the color variation in the trees! So cool!

Belle Isle Richmond VA | Bridal Portraits | Trash the Dress | Sarah Kane Photography

And now...

Belle Isle Richmond VA | Bridal Portraits | Trash the Dress | Sarah Kane Photography

Just a teeny bit cold.

Belle Isle Richmond VA | Bridal Portraits | Trash the Dress | Sarah Kane Photography

Jessie with her game face on. Can't even tell her feet are frozen blocks of ice.

Belle Isle Richmond VA | Bridal Portraits | Trash the Dress | Sarah Kane Photography
Belle Isle Richmond VA | Bridal Portraits | Trash the Dress | Sarah Kane Photography
Belle Isle Richmond VA | Bridal Portraits | Trash the Dress | Sarah Kane Photography

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Becoming an LLC Business in Virginia | Sarah Kane Photography