Family Portraits | Sunday Park Midlothian VA | Sarah Kane Photography

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Meet the Dougherty family! I bet you can't even tell that it was pretty cold during our session and we even had some freezing rain, but everybody pulled through and we managed to  get so many  adorable pictures.  I've known this family for a few years now and was thrilled and honored when they asked me to take their family's pictures.  My oldest son went to preschool with Little Miss N. They were both new around the same time and immediately became the best of friends.  The two friends met at the door every morning when I dropped B-dog off and when I picked him up they parted with the biggest bear hug two 3-year-olds could manage.  They actually fell over once from hugging so hard.  It melted my heart every time they were together.  Their teacher confirmed they were like this during the day as well. Even as they got older and B-dog was gravitating towards the boys and wasn't quite as into the hugs and his little girlfriend was starting to like more "girly" things they still remained good friends.  Although the kids are at different schools this year and don't see each other as often, time has not broken their bond. During our last "play date" they ran up to each other, B-dog who can be a bit shy and takes awhile to warm up to people he doesn't know or hasn't seen in awhile, said "your voice sounds different"  Little Miss N replied, "so does yours!" then they both ran off laughing together.  You know you have a true friend when months or years go by and you pick up right where you left off!

The newest addition to the family is little man "H" ! Well, actually he's not all that little. Only 4 months younger than my little Grady, they are just about the same size. Little Miss N and Big Man H are absolutely adorable together, Big Man just lights up when his big sister is around.   He's the typical little brother though, during one picture he was persistent in pulling out Little Miss N's pony tail holder.  It's always so much fun photographing little kids, you never know what they are going to do! 


Anniversary | Meadow Farms VA | Sarah Kane Photography


Anne & Chris Engaged | Libby Hill RVA | Sarah Kane Photography