Trailside Tree House in Richmond Virginia
The Trailside Treehouse was by far one of the best experiences my family has encountered. I heard about the Treehouse a couple of years ago and new this was a place we had to stay. This spring I started looking at dates and it just so happened they had an opening (one of the few openings still available) on my son’s 11th birthday, so I booked it. When we arrived we were greeted by Carrie (the host) her children and Huck (their chocolate Lab). You may feel a little weird at first because the treehouse is in their backyard and you pull into their driveway, but the minute you meet Carrie she puts you right at ease!
Richmond's Best Photographer | Richmond Times-Dispatch The Best of | Sarah Kane Photography
In 2011 I stepped way out of my comfort zone, dug down deep for some serious courage (which was not easy for a very shy and insecure young woman) and officially launched my business. I had no idea what I was doing, failed over and over again, but refused to give up!
Finding Myself On The 3rd Floor | Sarah Kane Photography
The past 7 months have been challenging to say the least. It feels like there are 72 hours in a day (and not because I am kicking butt and getting so much accomplished). Most days if I had a fast forward button to June I would press it without hesitation. But when I take a moment, block out the chaos and dig down (way down) I see so clearly that my family is exactly where we need to be right now. There is a reason why events are unfolding as the are. Apartment 304 has been schooling me and tossing out a serious dose of tough love. My eyes were blind to a lot of things and ironically apartment 304 has been the light.
Life Change at 41 | Clover Hill Personal Training Midlothian VA | Sarah Kane Photography
I can honestly say, without hesitation, that photography has truly changed my life! I absolutely LOVE what I do. I love meeting so many amazing new people, I love capturing a family's love, a child's smile (or devilish grin). I love being able to be creative every single day! I love making my own schedule and knowing that all of my hard work does pay off. Running my own business is an every day challenge and I've been faced with many obstacles, but it is also so rewarding and fulfilling and I couldn't imagine doing anything else.
Love it or List It | Kitchen Makeover Reveal | Sarah Kane Photography
They say the best things in life aren't things and although I do agree, sometimes things make you very happy, like a brand new kitchen! Last year we made the decision to stay in the house that we started our family in and start making renovations to truly make it our own. We started with smaller projects like refinishing our hardwood floors redoing the staircase banister (still a work in progress) landscaping the yard and redoing our fireplace. This year our big project was the kitchen! Our old kitchen was totally dysfunctional with a lot of counter space that coudln't really be used. You could tell it was a "do it yourself" project and a lot of corners were cut. I'm not a big fan of cooking to begin with and this kitchen's setup (and the style that was far from our taste) made it even less enjoyable
How I Became A Photographer | A Story of Fear, Failure and Self Discovery | Sarah Kane Photography
I spent most of my childhood and twenties afraid of EVERYTHING! The older I got the worse it got. I was painfully shy and terrified of rejection and failure. I had very low self-esteem which was likely the cause of all my fear. I hated being this way, but it wasn't until 9 years ago when I was pregnant with my first son that I was ready to change my life! I didn't want my kids to miss out on things like I did because of fear. I wanted to be the best that I could be for them. It wasn't easy, but deciding that things needed to change was the beginning of a huge transformation and lifelong journey that has brought me more happiness and success then I ever imagined was possible. All of this didn't happen over night and I've experienced many failures along the way, but with each one, after licking my wounds, I grew stronger. Fear is like an insatiable beast. The more you give into it the stronger it grows. The good news is success and self-confidence works the same way. The more you experience them the more you want it and the easier it gets!
The 9 Songwriter Series at The Tin Pan in Richmond VA
For those of you who may not know, when I'm not being a mom or taking pictures, I am singing with an amazing friend and artist Ryan Stewart. We met about 7 years ago when I posted an ad on Elwood Thompson's bulletin (back before it was Burger Bach). I was looking for a female to sing with and Ryan answered. Turns out we have more in common then just music. She is such a big part of my life and I don't know what I would do without her!
The Story Behind Baby Jethro and What Was Really in the box
You wouldn't believe the number of text and facebook messages I received today after introducing baby Jethro. Many people asked if I was adopting him and the answer is no not officially. Although I cannot legally adopt little Jethro he will be living with us indefinitely and is now part of the family!
You're Not Going to Believe This | Newborn Photography
A while ago, I posted a video of my 11-year-old niece and me opening up a box that we had been anxiously awaiting for some time, but I never let you see what was inside the box (I know I'm awful). Well, I'm almost ready to reveal what we were waiting for, but before I do I would like to introduce you to two very special twin newborns! I know what you're thinking, what do these babies have to do with the video. I will get to that I promise. These little sweeties came into my life very unexpectedly and immediately I was in love!
The Head and The Heart | A Story of Fear, Music and Saving | Sarah Kane Photography
I'm so fortunate to love what I do for a living. Photography is not only my job, but my passion. I have 3 passions in life. Family, photography and music. A quote that I love by an unknown author is "do what you love and be done with all the rest". I live my life by this. These are the things I love and anything else is just pulling me away from happiness.