How To Add A Hyperlink to Pages for iMac
How To Add A Hyperlink to Pages for iMac
Have you tried to add a hyperlink to an image in pages, but the link is grayed out? The bad news is you can’t add a hyperlink to an image. The good news is there is a way around it!
Easy Newborn Posing Workflow For Newborn Photographers
Easy Newborn Posing Workflow For Newborn Photographers
The secret to a successful newborn portrait session is having a solid workflow. You need a plan from start to finish. You also need to feel confident in executing that plan. The fastest way for a newborn session to go downhill is for the photographer to become flustered and anxious. Babies feel it, parents feel it and before you know it you’ve lost control of the session. This used to happen to me when I was first starting out. If a baby was fussy I would become very anxious forgetting poses and spending too much time fumbling from pose to pose. This problem was causing my sessions to last 3-4 hours. I was not able to focus on lighting or styling and as a result I was not progressing in my work. I needed to come up with away to help me remember my workflow without flipping through my workflow manual.
How To Prepare Parents For a 3 Month Session | Sarah Kane
I remember my first 3 month session in my brand-new in home studio and thinking “how the heck am I going to pose this baby and give my clients a full gallery of images?” If you can relate then this blog post is going to reduce so much stress and worry for you. In no time you’ll find 3 month sessions to be fast, relaxing and a lot of fun! A great way to earn some extra money and not spend hours in the studio!
How To Photograph 3 month Old Babies | Tips For 3 Month Baby Portraits
So, you finally feel like you're starting to get a handle on newborn posing only to get a 3 month old in front of your camera and become completely lost as what to do! Don't worry you are not alone. These key points have been essential to photographing 3 month old babies!
How to Create a Blanket Fade for Newborn Portraits in Photoshop | Sarah Kane Photography
Want to know how to get a smooth, clean blanket for your newborn portraits? It's easier than you think! The first step is to get your blankets as smooth as possible during your session. You can see how I get mine stretched and smooth below. The second step comes in post processing. I hope you find the tutorial useful!
Photographing in Manual Made Simple | Sarah Kane Photography
Today’s blog post is going to change your life! I’m about to share with you a few easy tricks that will drastically improve your photography skills and send you on your way to becoming a better photographer! Before we get started let me tell you a little bit about how my brain works, so you have a better understanding of my teaching methods.
Three Ways to Improve Your Photography skills | Mastering Manual Mode
Have you invested in a DSLR camera and are still using it as a very expensive point and shoot? If so, this blog post is for you! It is the first of a 3 part series that will give you the knowledge and confidence to take your camera off of automatic mode and start improving your images!
The secret to beautiful lifestyle family portraits | Richmond VA Family Portrait Photographer Shortpump VA photographer
Do you want to know the truth about my photography? It’s directly tied into my philosophy on life. Life isn’t perfect. People are not perfect. It’s our imperfections that make us different from everyone else, yet it’s also what makes us the same. It’s our shortcomings that push us to do better. Life would be such a bore if we all lived for perfection. Who would set the standard for perfection anyway?