Do I Need to File Sales Tax in VA if I've Made Zero Profit?
The answer to this is YES!!! Even if you have not made a single dime, but are a registered business you MUST register and file sales tax. Don't worry, you won't have to pay anything, but you still have to file.
In the beginning of most businesses you will see your sales fluctuate. One month you may bring in some money and the next month nothing. Do you need to file during the month that you didn't make any sales? The answer is YES!! You MUST still file with the Va Department of Taxation each month. Again, you will not have to pay anything, but you must file. If you do not file you will be charged a minimum penalty fee of $10 as well as interest.
It's actually pretty simple to register and file online. Click here to get started.
You can watch this informative tutorial from the VA Department of Taxation on how to register and file. Click here.
Still not sure? Here are step by step instructions: Click here
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