Midlothian Mine Park | Midlothian VA Maternity Richmond Pregnancy Portraits | Sarah Kane Photography

Midlothian Mine Park |Midlothian VA Maternity Richmond Pregnancy Portraits | Sarah Kane Photography

maternity portraits www.sarahkanephotography.com

I know what you're thinking, no this isn't Mariah Carey's sister! Doesn't she look just like her? If you didn't see it at first I bet you see it now! I love the picture above for so many reasons. Nicole looks amazing and you can't even tell that she is not a fan of standing in tall grass, or bugs, or snakes or whatever else is living in there, but in she went and it was so worth it!! 

Another beautiful night at Midlothian Mine Park with a sweet couple! The light was perfect, couldn't have asked for better! I am so happy and excited for these soon-to-be new parents. There is nothing quite like the experience of your first child. It won't be long, I cannot wait to meet Baby Sheehan! 


Richmond VA Family Glen Allen Portrait Children's Photographer | Sarah Kane Photography


Richmond VA Newborn Chesterfield Baby Photographer | Sarah Kane Photography