Richmond VA Newborn Chesterfield Baby Photographer | Sarah Kane Photography

Richmond VA Newborn Chesterfield Baby Photographer | Sarah Kane Photography

newborn portraits

Meet Antony Pedra born into this world on May 12, 2016 at 4:56pm weighing 6lbs 9oz! 

Words From Mom

"I've love you from the moment I knew you were growing inside of my belly. You were a cluster of cells then and I dreamed of what you would look like, what you would smell like and how our lives would unravel as a family. I can never forget your birth day the moment I looked down and saw you entering the world and then placed on my chest; it was surreal. I loved you then, I love you now, I will love you always my angel baby"

Love Mom

Words From Dad

"I was extremely guarded with my emotions from the day your mother and I knew you existed in her womb. I've seen others go through the unspeakable, so I went through the motions and put my faith in God and let him guide us three, our mother, you and I. It wasn't until the very moment I heard your voice, your cry, that I felt this sense of relief. The moment came that I finally met you and laid eyes on you. I felt overwhelmed with emotions. It was better than any experience or emotion I had ever felt. After nine months of sleeping next to yo, talking to you, love you I was anxious to meet you and curious to know what you looked like. Doctor Stone mentioned that her day had been difficult and that your birth made her day. You're an angel sent from heaven, I truly believe so". 

Love Dad


Midlothian Mine Park | Midlothian VA Maternity Richmond Pregnancy Portraits | Sarah Kane Photography


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