Glen Allen Maternity Richmond Virginia Pregnancy Photographer | Sarah Kane Photography
Maternity Sarah Kane Maternity Sarah Kane

Glen Allen Maternity Richmond Virginia Pregnancy Photographer | Sarah Kane Photography

Isn't this mama-to-be just gorgeous!  Can you believe she said she wasn't comfortable in front of the camera? Could have fooled me! We couldn't have asked for better weather and when we arrived at Meadow Farm Park there was an amazing surprise waiting for us! The sheep were out grazing! It was perfect. I've only been there one other time (for a photoshoot) when they were out and it was also a maternity session. We were all so excited to see them. They really added a special touch.

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Midlothian Mine Park | Midlothian VA Maternity Richmond Pregnancy Portraits | Sarah Kane Photography
Maternity Sarah Kane Maternity Sarah Kane

Midlothian Mine Park | Midlothian VA Maternity Richmond Pregnancy Portraits | Sarah Kane Photography

I know what you're thinking, no this isn't Mariah Carey's sister! Doesn't she look just like her? If you didn't see it at first I bet you see it now! I love the picture above for so many reasons. Nicole looks amazing and you can't even tell that she is not a fan of standing in tall grass, or bugs, or snakes or whatever else is living in there, but in she went and it was so worth it!! 

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